Imbolc Seasonal Elixir: Cuyarican Respiratory Remedy (2 oz)

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Imbolc Seasonal Elixir: Cuyarican Respiratory Remedy (2 oz)



Cuyarican Respiratory Remedy is an homage to both the Nuyorican culture of my early adult years, and the land (in the Cuyamaca Region of southern California) that we currently call home. It contains traditional respiratory immunity plants like elderberry and horehound that grow in abundance all around us here in California, combined with classic immunity supporting echinacea angustofolia. We then decoct with local honey and star anise, cinnamon and mavi bark, the major players in the anti- inflammatory, blood pressure lowering traditional Caribbean herbal soda know as Mavi, Mabi, or Mauby throughout Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Trinidad, Jamaica and more.


The cross quarters are liminal times of transition, and as our long term collaborator Eve Bradford has reminded us at our annual Imbolc season collaboration, “Chi gets lost in the transitions”. New pollens and molds can proliferate as the environment ( and our bodies as extensions of the landscape) stretch and effort to simultaneously decompose the dried remains of winter and adjust to and make sense of all the new information, sensations, and invitations of spring. We are called upon to stay strong enough to water our seeds (be they actual or energetic/ creative) and tend our spark until it can establish roots in this realm.  We recommend that this seasonal elixir be enjoyed at the first sign of seasonal respiratory irritation until several days after cessation of discomfort. 


This syrup has a local (San Diego & surrounding counties) honey base and contains partially evaporated vodka tinctures of elderberries, horehound leaf, echinacea angustofolia root and leaf, decocted with cinnamon, star anise, and mavi bark.


The suggested serving is 1-2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach, preferably accompanied by a few moments of deep breathing or mindfulness meditation, while silently or aloud affirming “ My body recognizes and remembers how to ebb and flow with all the ever evolving plants, animals, and elemental beings that I share my environment with.” or “I am strong enough to nurture and protect new growth”

We work with plants that are typically considered foods and safe for children, the elderly, etc. That said, Please remember that these are suggestions, we are not doctors, and if it gets weird for you in any way, trust yourself, speak to one of your health care professionals, and or discontinue the exploration!

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