Lindsay Mack

Occupation: Soul Tarot Reader, Teacher + Heart Centered Healer

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Astrological Sign: Aries

3 Albums you love: 

My musical tastes change a lot, but right now I'm obsessed with Love Bomb by East Forest, Prism of Eternal Now by White Rainbow, and I'm having a moment with one of my all time OG favorites, Little Earthquakes by Tori Amos. 

Besides Tarot, what other experiences/ modalities/ practices have been most instrumental in overcoming trauma and hardship and strengthening your natural connection with inner guidance? Mindfulness meditation and intentional time outside in nature have facilitated the deepest release and healing for me. I have been saved, mothered, held and birthed back into myself by the Ocean many times, and I am beyond grateful for that. Anything that nourishes my relationship as a mother to my inner little one is invaluable for me too -- often that looks like play, quiet time, deep listening, or being very sweet to myself. Sacred masturbation is also crucial for me. It's where I do some of my deepest channeling! 

3 Books that most facilitated your personal growth and why: 

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. I found this book in the middle of my very brutal Saturn Return, back when I was an actress and a goddamn mess -- before my path of healership was even a twinkle in my eye. I am convinced the book was dropped into my lap by God. I was moving through some big PTSD resurgences at that time, and this book literally saved my life many times over -- it became my Bible. It was my first introduction to anything in the realm of healing one's trauma through mindfulness. 

Healing Wise by Susun Weed. I also found this one at a crest of a real tough time -- I saw it and bought it without thinking, just knew it had to come home with me. It was also life changing and really blew my whole world open at the time. What she writes about wise woman healing happening in a Spiral is literally one of the most important passages in any book ever written, period. Reading it is what inspired the name of my practice, Wild Soul Healing, and also inspired a workshop called Healing the Wild Soul, all about healing trauma and understanding it as a sacred Spiral. Invaluable wisdom.

Women who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Game changer for so many of us. Life changing and soul nourishing in every possible way. Essential for every wild woman.

An honorable mention:: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling. I almost didn't list this one, especially because this makes 4 books, but I have to -- it's true that this one of the most important books every written for me. Harry is an incredible survivor of trauma, it's a heroic journey, it's a deep mythology, holds massive life/death/rebirth themes, and actually really reflects the whole Fool's Journey of the Tarot. It's such a catharsis and it's deeply sacred to me. I love it.

Complete the following sentence “ I like…” me! 

Complete the sentence- “If you really knew me, you would know…” my unending love for 1970s disco culture. 

As someone working with people on this really intimate, archetypal level, what would you say the theme is for what women are most challenged with right now and what guidance to your guides offer at this time?

I think what I see women most challenged with is not trusting their life path on a macrocosmic level. They think they're stuck, lost, confused, and that they fear "missing" a partner, a big opportunity or a job. To them I say, you can never miss what's meant for you so just keep your eyes on your own paper. Don't seek out what's next; come home to this moment, and you will find everything you've been looking for and more. We've been so conditioned as women to seek something outside of us for our nourishment -- turns out we've been hungry for us all along. That expansive journey back into trusting ourselves and where we happen to be in our lives is something I see with almost everyone I do readings for. It's an amazing, aligned energy that almost everyone is in right now and it's getting REAL. It's so empowering! We are everything we have been looking for! Once we get that, everything outside of us can flow in. No more victimhood. Look at your life right now and hone in on the one "thing" you feel you lack or are seeking. You must come home to it in yourself first before you can be open to receiving it from an external source. 

Do you have any projects coming up that you are excited about? 

I am teaching Soul Tarot at Spirit Weavers and am so excited for that! I am also working on a tarot deck, which is totally overwhelming, haha, but I'm loving the birthing process.Any good dreams lately?

My dreams have been so powerful lately, but I am having trouble remembering them. The only thing that stands out to me was being told in a dream by my guides recently that I had sacred work to do in Scotland, so now I'm surrendering that to Divine. Ready to book a ticket whenever it's time! 


Join us in the temple for

Esoteric Tarot Ceremony with Lindsay Mack

On Friday May 20th



Lindsay is the founder of Sacred Tarot School in Brooklyn, NY. Through Sacred Tarot School, Lindsay regularly facilitates group and one on one Tarot immersions in NYC or via distance learning, and regularly tours her Soul Tarot classes and workshops around the country. For her upcoming travel + teaching dates, click here